Your Novel. Your Memoir. Your Essay. Your Nonfiction. Your Short Story. Your Screenplay. Your Thesis/Doctorate.Your Advertising Copy. Your Website.You've done it. Draft 1 is written. Maybe even Draft 2 or 3 or 437.You're ready to edit but there's a …

Your Novel. Your Memoir. Your Essay. Your Nonfiction. Your Short Story. Your Screenplay. Your Thesis/Doctorate.Your Advertising Copy. Your Website.

You've done it. Draft 1 is written. Maybe even Draft 2 or 3 or 437.

You're ready to edit but there's a problem: You can't see the forest for the trees. You're too close. You need another set of eyes. Professional eyes preferred.

Welcome to Tellworthy Creative Writing Services.

Offering editing services from copy clean-up to creative writing commentary for structure, tone, style, plot and character enhancement and critical writing commentary for clarity, concision and healthy devil's advocacy to help you find the most persuasive argument possible.

Whether you need someone to catch typo blind-spots or if you are ready for some serious, intellectual reader response, Tellworthy has the service you need.